Euthyphro – Plato

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Euthyphro – Plato

Euthyphro – Plato

Assignment: Euthyphro – Plato
In the Euthyphro, Socrates and Euthyphro discuss the concept of piety/holiness. This essay will not only test your ability to recognize and engage philosophical concepts and analysis, but also brings you into the dialogue as a participant, asking you to create your own definition of holiness.
Read the Euthyphro, and write a paper in which you do the following:
a. Explain how the concept of holiness emerges in the dialogue and why it takes a prominent position in the conversation between Socrates and Euthyphro.
b. Present the three definitions that Euthyphro uses in his response to Socrates, and then explain how Socrates refutes each of Euthyphro’s definitions.
c. Formulate your own argument as to what you think Socrates’s goal is in this dialogue. How do you know that is his goal? What features of the dialogue align with your interpretation of his goal?
d. Provide your own definition of piety/holiness and then create a Socratic response/critique of your definition. After you present your definition, take on the role of Socrates and respond to your own definition as you think he would.
The paper must be at least three pages in length, formatted according to APA style, and include a title and a reference page (which does not count towards the page length). For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar.
Grading Criteria
Euthyphro – Plato 10 points possible Content Criteria Weight

The student explains how the concept of holiness emerges in the dialogue and why it takes a prominent position in the conversation between Socrates and Euthyphro.
The student presents the three definitions that Euthyphro uses in his response to Socrates and explains how Socrates refutes each of Euthyphro’s definitions.
The student formulates his or her own argument as to what he or she thinks Socrates’s goal is in this dialogue.
The student provides his or her own definition of piety/holiness and then creates a Socratic response/critique of his or her definition.
After presenting his or her definition, the student takes on the role of Socrates and responds to his or her definition as the student thinks Socrates would.
1.5 Writing Skills
The paper includes an introduction paragraph which contains a thesis statement. .5
The paper contains well-developed paragraphs which fully-support the topic. 1
The paper includes a concluding paragraph which restates the thesis. .5
The paper is grammatically correct with respect to correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. .5
Style Criteria
The paper must be three double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference pages),
formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved style guide and include a title page
and reference page.

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