Essay—Stephen V. Ash, A Year in the South, 1865

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Essay—Stephen V. Ash, A Year in the South, 1865

Essay—Stephen V. Ash, A Year in the South, 1865

1. What were the relationships between Southerners—both white and black—
and Yankee soldiers during 1865? How did the end of the war affect the
relationships between Yankees and Southerners? Give examples and quotes from A Year in the South to support your answer.

2. How did the different backgrounds of John, Cornelia, Lou, and Samuel affect
their abilities to adjust to the end of the war? How did the end of the war
affect their daily lives? Explain, making sure to support your answer with
evidence and quotes from the text.

3. What hardships did both black and white Southerners face in the last months of
the war and the first months of the post-war era in the South? What hardships
were unique to people because of their race, sex, age, or region? Explain,
making sure to give evidence and quotes from the text to support your answers.

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