Elaborate disease control and prevention.

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Elaborate disease control and prevention.

 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2007), the average length of stay in 2005 for all inpatients in a hospital was 4.8 days. After careful study of admissions over the past 6 months, the average length of stay for your hospital was 8.7 days. The chief executive officer (CEO) is concerned that the average length of stay is much higher than the national average and has asked you to look into the issue further. You are to study this issue and attempt to decrease the average length of stay so that it is more in-line with the national average.Explain your findings in a research paper of 3–4 pages. Guidelines for your paper are as follows:To support your research, you must provide at least 3 references (this is in addition to the case reference). Be sure to cite all references in APA format.. (2007). Retrieved from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Web site:

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