I would like for you to select an economic development project that was initiated in the State of Alabama within the past 5 years. Using the terms and concepts from the Blair & Carroll text and from the White & Kotval text, prepare a comprehensive summary of the project that you have chosen.
This is not an all-inclusive list of considerations, but you should address items such as:
Locational concerns
The structure of the workforce to include education levels, skill sets, cost of living, and quality of life
Union rates and right-to-work laws
Real estate options and requirements
Local, regional, and state tax structures
Local, regional, and state regulatory environment
Infrastructure needs
Economic development incentives
Your paper should not exceed 10 pages in length. Double-space your paper and use a 12-point font with 1-inch margins. Please do not include graphs, tables, or figures in the main body of your paper. Instead, include such displays in an appendix to the paper; appendices will not factor into the overall page count.
This paper is worth 75 points and constitutes 25 percent of your overall grade. Your grade will be based upon the following criteria:
Application of economic development concepts and ideas
Overall organization and coherence of the paper
Adequacy of supporting statements in the body of the paper
Style of writing