Does the researcher identify the characteristics and level of content being analyzed?

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Does the researcher identify the characteristics and level of content being analyzed?

Unobtrusive Measures

59)  What is the researcher’s research purpose or hypothesis?  Is content analysis an appropriate method of observation?

60)  What are the researcher’s units of analysis?  What are the units of observation (if they are different than the units of analysis)?

61)  Is the researcher studying a population or a sample of these units?  If the researcher is studying a sample, is it a probability sample?  If so, was it correctly drawn?  If the researcher is not studying a population or a probability sample, is he or she appropriately cautious about the nature of any conclusions?

62)  Does the researcher identify the characteristics and level of content being analyzed?  Does the researcher explain how material is coded, especially for issues of latent content?

63)  Did the researcher do any type of pretest with other coders to test for reliability?  Where they any tests for validity?

64)  Are the conclusions consistent with the units of analysis?

65)  Are the results clearly presented and the conclusions appropriate?

66)  Generally, is the method of observation done appropriately?

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