Discussion Question- (At least 200 words)
Police unions have been under fire recently. Some states such as New Jersey and Wisconsin have taken steps to limit or eliminate collective bargaining and other protections that police unions provide. Do you agree with the actions of these states? Justify your answer. (Must be at least 200 words)
Instructions for the following assignment Below:
Papers should be 1,200 words (excluding title and reference pages). Students are expected to produce a well written, reasoned, logical, and most importantly, thoroughly analyzed response befitting a graduate student.
Ensure that the paper conforms to APA standards of writing (including a title page, abstract, discussion, reference page, in-text citations, and appropriate formatting). This is not an opinion piece. Theories are to be supported with facts, evidence, and scholarly research. Each student’s goal is to find new and innovative ideas in policing that are not the “same old, same old.”
The paper should be of quality and format that is sufficient to merit publication in a professional journal. Toward that end, students will use a minimum of three peer reviewed scholarly journal articles, professional journals, or books from the Saint Leo University Library to craft the paper. Students may use information gathered from a reputable website as one of the sources. A reputable website is one maintained by trustworthy and renowned organizations or individuals. For example, for a conservative viewpoint on a topic, The Heritage Foundation site would be valid. Conversely, a liberal perspective may come from The Cato Institute.
Newspaper, magazine, opinion, or op-ed pieces may be used as secondary sources; in addition to, not in place of, the three primary source minimum.
Non-reputable articles from general websites like Wikipedia do not constitute peer reviewed articles, professional journals, or texts. Anyone can post any article on Wikipedia as one can create a website about anything. This makes the information very unreliable for academic research. As a result, sources used from these types of sites will not be accepted.
While writing the paper, exemplify the university core value of excellence as defined
Research innovative methods for obtaining funding for law enforcement organization. Write paper on those methods and how they can be used to supplement police budgets in these tough economic times. The self-test for this type of academic exercise is to ask yourself: Does the research I have found and the paper I have produced add to or strengthen the knowledge pool on the topic I am exploring or does it simply restate the premise of what I have found in my own words? The latter is graduate school policy paper, the former a high school book report.