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Discuss the range of potential actions which the leader may undertake, considering implications in Management & Organization;


We have been conducting small “mini-case” assignments. We are now turning to a more thorough case study analysis. As we have seen, the case study format allows us to take what we have learned and actually apply it to a business scenario. The HBS case study material provides a good source of information regarding the primary factors which Iger or Jobs will need to consider as they approach a potential acquisition.

Given all the information provided within these sources, please create a set of 3-4 PowerPoint slides which address:

• Slide 1 – Context of the negotiation, and the problem which the leader must confront;

• Slides 2 and 3 – Discuss the range of potential actions which the leader may undertake, considering implications in the following areas we’ve discussed (text and lecture):

a. Management & Organization;

b. Flexible Organizations & Human Resources;

c. Quality Goods & Services;

d. Creating and Pricing Products;

e. Distribution and Promotions; and

f. Accounting and Financial Implications.

• Slide 4 – Recommendation on take a position on whether:

a. Iger should acquire Pixar, or if he should work toward continuing the supplier-customer relationship; or

b. Jobs should pursue a sale to Disney, or if he should work toward continuing the supplier-customer relationship.

Defend your view with multiple points, research and analysis based on all the materials within the course.

• Extra Credit is available if your team would like to provide additional information on appendix slides, which you will not present.

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