Discuss the importance of research on icons and echoes for understanding how people process incoming information.

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Discuss the importance of research on icons and echoes for understanding how people process incoming information.

DQ 3
Please make sure nothing is plagiarized for the following questions. Each answers needs to be at least 250 words.
Thank you!
CH. 5
Discuss the importance of research on icons and echoes for understanding how people process incoming information. Consider issues of both experimental control and ecological validity.
Describe the methods using in S. Sternberg’s memory-scanning experiment. What do the results tell us about the retrieval of information STM?
CH. 6
In what ways do the underlying assumptions of the levels-of-processing theory differ from the underlying assumptions of the modal model?
Describe the distinction between declarative and procedural memory and that between implicit and explicit memory. Do these two distinctions fit together well? Explain why you think so.
What do the findings of Linton and Brewer suggest about the workings of autobiographic memory for ordinary events?
CH. 7
Briefly review Reber’s work on implicit learning and its implications for concept formation.
Forgetting can occur as the result of many different types of actions. For example, you may not have the correct cue for retrieval. There are some individuals that would argue that forgetting is an intentional act and that, in order to forget something, one must make a conscious effort to do so. Do you support this reasoning? Why or why not?
Sensory memory is a general term used to refer to sensory buffers that can retain a large amount of memory, but only for a short period of time. One type of sensory memory is iconic memory. Can you think of a time when you used iconic memory? If so, how did you use it?

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