Discuss sustainability and business functions of organizations.

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Discuss sustainability and business functions of organizations.

In the late 1990s, “New York Times best-selling author, and award winning business and management leader, business entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, and Harvard Professor” (Kotter International, 2014) Dr. John P. Kotter launched a series of lectures on the best practices and steps necessary to manage change.  Among the practices suggested were steps to inspire the present leadership to increase urgency that would build the right team using the right people.  The steps urged methods to empower and facilitate the efforts of that team, and to be relentless in making the change “stick”.  Within six years, the esteemed Dr. Kotter had published a second book, re-introducing his eight step plan and illustrating its effectiveness with related stories of organizations that applied these steps and successfully effected change within the agency.  A decade later, the entire economies of the world changed, and shifted the way organizations develop, and how leadership within the organization implemented change management strategies.  The complexities of organizational change in this decade have been rooted in organizational behavior and organizational decision making.  These changes have been found to be closely linked with individual perceptions, values, beliefs, attitudes, and these behaviors add layers to what goes into leadership for change and development.

The combination of the economic downturn and the development of a new organizational makeup can enable an investigation of methods for managing for value in profit and non profit organizations that embraces different cultures and beliefs in the 21st century.  To ensure success, these new methods will require planning and innovation from the leadership of the organization.  This accommodating mindset of planning and innovation must embrace all creative differentiations within all aspects of the organization.  Additionally, the allocation of resources within the organization can be a limiting factor in deciding how to introduce the practical side of theoretical knowledge to the organization in the most cost effective method.  In the translation of theory to practice, organizations can employ a model developed in the 1980s by David Coopperrider named Appreciative Inquiry (AI) which identifies the strengths, potentials, and greatest opportunities for the advancement of the employees, management, and stakeholders of the organization (Cooperrider, Whitney & Stavros, 2008). Appreciative Inquiry, as an organizational model views the organization as a living human system and embraces the opinions of the workforce as creative energy sources that can assist in propelling the organization forward (Doggett & Lewis, 2013).

In building an organizational workforce to service the needs of the 21st century continual employee and management training is required.  This training must embrace the advances in information technology; match employees’ job titles, and comply with state and federal laws.  The knowledge gleaned from the training activities will educate all employees by better positioning these individuals to better perform in the workplace.  Properly trained employees will have a feeling of empowerment that will translate in providing quality products, services, and better manage systems within the organization.

Construct a research purpose statement

Organizations continually operate in changing environment conditions which can severely hamper the acquisition of raw materials, and other necessary plant equipment; therefore, organizations must be committed to engage in various research methods that can help the organization accept these changes (Mohrman, & Lawler, 2012).The allocation of resources and decision-making for many organizational changes usually occur in boardrooms then communicated to field employees (Knouse, 2012). Continued training, and educational information for the employees of the organization remains a priority for successful implementation of proposed change within the organization (Homburg, Klarmann, & Staritz, 2012). Learning can be a great asset.

Organizations in today’s market reality thrive best when management embraces

organizational change. The technological advances of the twenty-first century, and

globalization constantly challenges all organizations to address rapidly shifting business

conditions and opportunities (Giniat, Benton, Biegansky & Grossman, 2012). These proposed

organizational changes are undertaken to improve the performance of the organization, and

foster a climate of innovation. This dynamic technological shift has created increasingly

diverse markets with increased opportunities for growth, and organizations must change

rapidly to offer a portfolio of innovative products (Stenmark, Shipman, & Mumford, 2011).

Organizations are operating in a constantly changing environment, and need research that can

help them adapt to these changes (Mohrman, & Lawler, 2012, p. 41).

Organizations must further develop leadership that demonstrates the ability to maintain a

balance between enhancing strategies and goals; along with sensitivity to understand the impact

of change on the employees of the organization. Organizations must also facilitate team

creativity, and innovation by stimulating both support for innovation and climate for excellence

(Katrin, Sören, & Katja, 2010). Organizations strive to manage change, develop new business

streams in developing markets locally and globally, while continuing to meet the requirements

of stakeholders. Leaders and managers must endeavor to provide needed support to build the

confidence of their subordinates (Stenmark, et al., 2011).

An important method of ensuring sustainability is maintaining adequate funding from multiple sources. The ability to strategically focus on decision making that will allow funds to funnel into the organization’s from federal and state programs along with tax abatement incentives can assist in maintaining stability. Organizational sustainability must consider the current resource base and utilize resources to further empower future generations. Managers and organizational leaders have to be open to explore new ideas and find new approaches to address existing problems and concerns within the organization. The managers must develop a better diagnostic understanding of the organization, an entrepreneurial spirit of innovative ideas with the capacity to inquire, and courage to change situations for the better (Menninger, 2011).

Organizations in today’s market reality thrive best when management embraces organizational change and enhanced employee performance (Li-Yueh & Tan, 2012). The technological advances of the twenty-first century and globalization constantly challenge all organizations to address rapidly shifting business conditions and opportunities (Giniat, Benton, Biegansky & Grossman, 2012). The ability of organizations to undertake proposed organizational changes improves the performance of the organization, and fosters a climate of innovation.

This dynamic technological shift has created increasingly diverse markets with increased opportunities for growth, and organizations must change rapidly to offer a portfolio of innovative products (Stenmark, Shipman, & Mumford, 2011).

The management and stakeholders of the organization proposes a set of procedures for argumentation and interpretation that would enhance and improve the learning potential of employees with problem solving techniques, and decision making capabilities. Organizational learning mechanisms can be social arenas “to collect, analyze, retrieve, and share knowledge that would be relevant to the performance of the organization” (Schechter & Qadach, 2012, p. 122).

Organizational change can be either proactive or reactive. The proposed changes should be appropriate and realistic; implemented quickly, and visible results should follow. Employees within the organization must never feel dislodged from personal values or identities through any organizational change process. As organizations accept diversity, a feeling of employee inclusion would provide the starting point for positive organizational change.

As the organization seeks to evolve, the past positions and the heritage of the organization must be respected while continuing to live in the future. Managers and leaders must view change as being inevitable, and ubiquitous. Employees must be given continuous opportunities to learn and enhance skills. Change within the organization must be viewed as the new reality, and a value system receptive to human behavior, scientific upgrades, compassion, and hope for the future should be implemented (Menninger, 2011).

Employees value their ability to work, as working endorses independence and self-construction that creates a positive identity. This identity is enhanced as the employee advances in their profession, career, or receives promotion within the organization. This positive identity enhances their ability to cope with stress and adversity; while providing motivation to accept different cultural experiences, a sense of satisfaction, and meaningfulness at work (Dutton, Roberts, & Bednar, 2010).

Research Purpose and Focus of the Study

This research study seeks to examine, address, and explore possibilities from the present research in the field to guide the policies and practices for developmental changes within the organization. Data collected from a qualitative research method will be used to explore the current issues, shortcomings and behavioral theories associated with organizational development. The collected data will be instrumental and useful to investigate the existing culture of the organization. The knowledge and instructional benefits gleaned from the examination of all existing social structures within the organization can be replicated or transformed to further empower all employees of the organization (Cosier, 2012). The paper seek to address the how leaders within an organization can have and maintain effective influence over the team of employee under their supervision. Leaders must be exemplars with a behavioral pattern that must be observable, measurable, calm under pressure from the workplace while being able to guide employees to complete allocated tasks in a professional manner. Another research problem was the appropriate methods to use within the organization to foster cooperation when some managers did not have the same objectives. The disjointed approach from the leaders and managers created problems with the employees as there was not equitable distribution of resources within the organization. The results from previous leadership studies identified multiple behavioral constructs and never arrived at any substantive positions to benefit leadership principles. The inability of researchers to deliver conclusive results from their studies made it difficult for this study to assume a position. The various finding of behavioral constructs made it difficult to compare and identify useful aspects that would positively explain and better influence a leader’s ability to better serve the organization.behaviors. The research purpose sought to examine the knowledge acquired on leadership principles from over fifty years of research. The paper suggests the development of an effective leadership standardized pattern of behavioral perspectives will address the management issues of the organizations. The study described the effects of widely used behavior categories and the substantial differences in the types and number of behaviors included by the researchers


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