Discuss internal domestic terrorism?

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Discuss internal domestic terrorism?

For the capstone project of this course, you need to consider homeland security not just within the scope of terrorism but across the full spectrum as a metadiscipline. Here, you are to explore the security of the United States in every regard. Is the greatest risk terrorism? economic collapse? other nations becoming financially superior? failure of America’s domestic infrastructure? other nations developing superior militaries? internal domestic terrorism?In this assignment, you will complete an analysis memo that provides a situation report of the nation’s greatest risks and threats, a prioritization of the level of threat they pose to the United States, and recommended strategies to address them. For each threat or risk you identify, be sure to support with cited research why it poses a risk or threat to the United States and what the consequences of the risk or threat being realized (i.e., if it actually happens) would be.Consider all that has been discussed within this course and your previous course work. To complete this assignment, use the course materials, course articles, library, and Web resources as well as your own research. Your analysis memo should be 900 words.Once you have submitted your analysis memo by the assignment due date, the instructor will review your work and provide feedback. For the Phase 5 Individual Project, you will apply the feedback provided by your instructor by making the recommended changes and submitting the final draft of your memo.

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