Design a preliminary systems development project structure for the CTTS case, based on each of the two design strategies mentioned in Chapter 12 of this textbook link ( )

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Design a preliminary systems development project structure for the CTTS case, based on each of the two design strategies mentioned in Chapter 12 of this textbook link ( )

This project is the continuation of the CTTS Case Study from USM system. This running case will be the major focus of this assignment and I’ll provide the USM system in the word document.

the assignment is to first review all the documentation from the CTTS project from USM system in word document.

The second part of the assignment is to design a preliminary systems development project structure for the CTTS case, based on each of the two design strategies mentioned in Chapter 12 of this textbook link ( )

• In-house development, or the build solution

• Purchasing and integrating commercially available software, or the buy solution

Using the tasks for each strategy as described in Chapter 12, list each task, list the activities within each task, assign resources to each task, estimate task duration, complete a project timeline, and create a budget (use whatever assumptions you want).

Use a spreadsheet for your work (see the attachment for a suggested template) or use Visio or Open Office to complete the task.

This assignment is not one of the formal project milestones, but rather is a project review exercise with an initial focus on the design orientation of the course.

Complete the assignment and also fill out the Evaluation Form for the assignment, which I‘ll provide it. Copy and combine all documents into one Word document..

For additional details, please refer to the Case Study Evaluation Rubric document that I’ll provide it too.

Thank you

please email me if you have any question

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