Description: You were hired as a network engineer for a small firm that had just recently implemented a voice-over Internet protocol (VoIP) solution in its converged network

Iconographical Analysis
August 7, 2017
Communicative Language Teaching
August 7, 2017
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Description: You were hired as a network engineer for a small firm that had just recently implemented a voice-over Internet protocol (VoIP) solution in its converged network

Description: You were hired as a network engineer for a small firm that had just recently implemented a voice-over Internet protocol (VoIP) solution in its converged network, which had replaced all of its analog lines. During your first week on the job, you hear a lot of complaints about the quality of the voice calls, and you have also noticed this yourself on a few occasions. You started an investigation to identify and resolve the root cause. You noticed that both voice and regular data traffic are using the same virtual local area networks (VLANs), and there was no priority given to the traffic.You have heard of the term quality-of-service (QoS) and know that this could be implemented to prioritize traffic flow as it moves across the network. You do not have all of the details about how QoS works, but want to because you believe it could help. Using all available resources, complete research on QoS. In 4–6 pages, addressed the following: Describe quality-of-service. Describe why you believe it is important to have this technology configured in a network. Provide at least 1 example of how it could be beneficial. Describe a time that you have utilized quality-of-service in your job. If you have not utilized QoS, describe a situation where you believe it would have been beneficial. Be specific with details in your discussion.

Project #1

Due Date:



Deliverable Length: 3-4page report, including diagram
Points Possible: 110

Description: Library Research Assignment. You work as the senior network engineer for a medium size organization. The company has offices in Miami and Los Angeles. The network as now has connectivity between locations. Many interoffice phone calls are placed between locations each day, and the organization realizes that it is spending a very large sum on a monthly basis for communication. Your boss approaches you. He wants you to research a solution that will eliminate the toll charges to the company and still allow for data communication across the wide area network (WAN).Research a solution and explain your findings in a 2–3-page document. Utilizing the online library, the Internet, and all course materials, completes the following: Explain to your manager how the solution you have identified will be implemented. List the benefits of the solution. Ensure that this solution will eliminate all interoffice toll charges. The design and the implemented solution should not adversely affect the network performance across the WAN. Diagram your proposed network layout.

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