Describe the pollutant chosen and the source of the pollutants.

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Describe the pollutant chosen and the source of the pollutants.

Describe the pollutant chosen and the source of the pollutants. Include both natural and human sources, as applicable.

  • Is this a point-source pollutant or nonpoint-source pollutant? Explain.
  • What are the harmful impacts of the pollution?
    • Describe impacts to both humans and to ecosystem structure and function.
  • What steps are in place to eliminate the pollutant or to mitigate harm from the pollutant?
    • Describe examples of laws or regulations that apply to the pollution and its sources.
    • Also, describe educational programs, technology, or other initiatives that are used to help control the pollution.
  • Have the programs, best management practices, or regulations been effective in resolving harm from the pollutant?


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