Describe Pseudo code and c code verification

Suppose that I place a $100 bill in one of three envelopes, which are labeled A, B, and C. You are told that if you can correctly guess which envelope contains the $100 bill, you can keep it. You can’t see the bill through the envelope, so you are entirely guessing. Let’s say that you say it’s in the envelope marked B. You are told that it’s definitely in the envelope marked C, and I offer to let you switch to envelope A, or to stay with envelope B. (Assume that I am telling the truth, that the bill is indeed not in envelope C.) What should you do?
August 7, 2017
Discuss how management will evaluate whether the recommended strategy/solution(s), once implemented, is(are) achieving the desired result(s).
August 7, 2017
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Describe Pseudo code and c code verification

I would like to double check what I have.  I am unsure what I am doing.Thank you,Lorrie

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