Demonstrate your critical thinking about the text.

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August 7, 2017
Discuss major developments in the institution of slavery in the 19th century and the impact of these changes for the US as a whole and the experiences of African Americans particularly.
August 7, 2017
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Demonstrate your critical thinking about the text.

10 Summary and Response #2/Citation Exercise

For this assignment, you will produce your second Summary and Response. This time, you will add one component: a paraphrase in the response section. This assignment will satisfy both Summary and Response #2 (worth up to 10 points) and the English 120 Citation Exercise (worth up to 5 points). Completion of this assignment is required in order to earn credit for English 120.
For this summary and response, focus on one of this week’s assigned readings: Naylor (220), Gould (223), Theroux (229), or Hughes (235).
The citation exercise demonstrates your ability to incorporate and cite sources following MLA guidelines (and enables me to screen for problems before you complete the research essay). To earn credit for both Summary and Response #2 and the Citation Exercise, be sure to satisfy the requirements of the summary and response assignment.
Include the following in your summary and response:
• a summary of the text (as you will do in each summary and response)
• at least one quotation in your response, in MLA format (a requirement of each summary and response)
• at least one paraphrase in your response, in MLA format (this will be new to some of you)
• a works cited entry, in MLA format, for the reading you choose (a requirement of each summary and response)

Include in-text parenthetical citations (this means page numbers in parentheses) for all three:
• summary: first and last page numbers in parentheses at the end of the summary, followed by a period
• quotation: page number in parentheses, followed by a period, after the quote
• paraphrase: page number in parentheses followed by a period, after the paraphrase
Recall that completing the Citation Exercise is REQUIRED to pass English 120!

MLA formatting examples are posted at the top of the home page. Please review my comments on your previous journal, to avoid making the same errors. Directions for reading my comments on your previous journals are posted at the top of the course home page.
Directions for the Summary and Response:

 1. Be concise (exclude details, examples, specifics).
 2. Be accurate in conveying the writer’s main points.
 3. Remain objective (exclude opinion, interpretation, analysis).
 4. In first sentence of the summary, include the writer’s full name, the title of the text, and the writer’s thesis statement (in your own words).
 5. Use your own words (exclude quotations).
 6. List the page numbers of the text (first-last) in parentheses at the end of the summary, followed by a period. 


 1. Demonstrate your critical thinking about the text. Focus on your thinking—your reaction, your opinion, your response, your interpretation. 
 2. Include quotations from the text in MLA format. See examples in the document on MLA format posted at the top of the homepage in Moodle. 

 1. Meet the required length of 450 words to earn a passing grade (aim for 450-500 words).
 2. Focus on one of the texts assigned for this time period.
 3. Submit polished work—proofread and edited.
 4. Include a works cited entry in MLA format for the reading you use. See the sample entry in the document on MLA format posted above. 

• Incomplete submissions cannot earn a passing grade.
• No late submissions accepted—no exceptions.
You will complete several Summary and Responses of 450 revised, edited words in which you will record your critical thinking about the texts. No late submissions accepted—NO exceptions.

The Summary and Responses for this class consist of two parts: summary and response. The summary is the academic exercise. It tells you and your reader how well you understand the original text. The response, on the other hand, allows you some freedom. Ultimately, I need to see you connect with the text in a specific way. Focus on a section of the original, an idea, etc. Respond in any way you like, as long as your main focus is on the text. 

The summary should be roughly between ¼ and ½ of the total length of the assignment. The two parts of this assignment (summary and response) need to be separate. It should be obvious to your reader where one stops and the next begins. You may label the two parts, if you like. You must meet the required number of words (450) to earn a passing grade (each journal is worth up to 10 points). I recommend keeping the length between 450-500 words. Going much beyond this length turns this assignment into a very different task. I want you to focus on being concise, and that can involve the often-difficult task of excluding and omitting unnecessary material. For those who struggle to meet the minimum length, rest assured, it will get easier. One comment I often hear from my 110 students (starting about halfway through the semester) is that they are surprised how easily they can generate a decent amount of writing fairly efficiently. It’s amazing what a little practice can do. 

Have some fun. Keep in mind: you are writing for an audience. The more interested you are in what you write, the more interesting your writing will be.

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