Data protection issues and Ethical issues

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Data protection issues and Ethical issues

If you have given a chance to research the “key success factors for successfully completing HND” how will you use a variety of sources for the collection of data, both primary and secondary and conduct a research

A)Define            (5 points each)

1)      Primary sources

2)      Survey methodology

3)      Questionnaire design

4)      Sample frame

5)      Sampling methods

6)      Sample error

7)      Secondary sources

8)      Internet research

9)      Government and other published data

10)  By-product data

11)  Storage: security of information

12)  Data protection issues and Ethical issues

  1. B) (40 points)

If you have given a chance to research the “key success factors for successfully completing HND” how will you use a variety of sources for the collection of data, both primary and secondary and conduct a research.

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