Create a project about a 128×3 (32 words, with 3 bits at each word) single-port RAM in Verilog, simulate the design, and loadit into the Cyclone IV chip onthe DE0-Nano board. The design uses two push-buttons and one DIP switch asinputs. •One side of the DIP switch clears the memory address.

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Create a project about a 128×3 (32 words, with 3 bits at each word) single-port RAM in Verilog, simulate the design, and loadit into the Cyclone IV chip onthe DE0-Nano board. The design uses two push-buttons and one DIP switch asinputs. •One side of the DIP switch clears the memory address.

(40%) Create a project about a 128×3 (32 words, with 3 bits at each word) single-port RAM in Verilog, simulate the design, and loadit into the Cyclone IV chip onthe DE0-Nano board.  The design uses two push-buttons and one DIP switch asinputs. •One side of the DIP switch clears the memory address.  •The depressing of the first push-button indicates a memory write action.  In thiscase, the 50 MHz clock signal available on the FPGA board is used as an input toincrease the RAM address.  The 3-bit data value written to a memory location atan  address  should  represent the number  of  ones in the 7  address  bits.    Forexample, a value of 110 (=6) should be written to the location with an address of1011111.  •Once the first push-button is released, the memoryread is in action.  In this case,the 3-bit data stored at the current address are to be displayed using three LEDs. The releasing of the second push-button increases the memory address by one.In addition, connect the 5 least significant address bits to 5 LEDs.  Write a DO filefor the simulation.  The simulation needs to demonstrate the writing to the RAMfollowed by reading from the RAM, each involving afew RAM locations.  You needto do the following prior to compilation:•Generate a Verilog file for the single-port RAM byusing “the IP Catalog” ofQuartus Prime.  (Use “On Chip Memory” which is within “Installed IP−> Library−>Basic Functions”.)•Add the Verilog file for the RAM to the project.•Instantiate a memory component in the design.•For the simulation you will need to include thealtera_mf_ver library.  This canbe  done  in  ModelSim-Altera  using  the  “Libraries”  tab  within  the  “Start Simulation” window  (30%) Create a project about the on-board 3-D accelerometer in Verilog, and load itinto the Cyclone IV chip on the DE0-Nano board.  The design uses one push-buttonand one LED.  •Pressing down the push-button turns off the LED.  •The LED is turned on when the board is suddenly moved.  (The degree/directionof movement is of your choice, but should be reasonable.)Demonstrate the project.  There is no need for simulation.HINT:On the DE0-Nano board CD, which is available on the course Pilot website,copy the folder demonstration/DE0_NANO_GSensor to the PC hard drive.  From thehard drive folder, you may use Quartus Prime to open an existing project file,compile the project, and program the board.  Thereis no need to assign pins sincethat has already been done.  Study the code.DE0_NANO_G_Sensor.v contains thetop-level module of the project.  

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