create a comparison chart to explore how both authors use nonfiction elements to convey the theme.

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create a comparison chart to explore how both authors use nonfiction elements to convey the theme.

Purpose: The thematic synthesis essay will be based on two of the pieces students have read thus far in the course or on two pieces the instructor chooses. The essay should identify and discuss how the authors convey the themes presented in the two pieces through use of nonfiction elements.

Instructions: First, identify the theme of both pieces. Next, create a comparison chart to explore how both authors use nonfiction elements to convey the theme. Decide whether that use is effective or ineffective. As previously mentioned, students can use the chart as a tool to collect information about both piecesinformation that can then be used in the essay.
THE TWO ESSAYS ARE: Chris Heath’s “18 Tigers, 17 Lions, 8 Bears, 3 Cougars, 2 Wolves, 1 Baboon, 1 Macaque, and 1 Man Dead in Ohio”
Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s “School of Hate”
I thought that the essays both had a theme of suicide/bullying
Added on 02.11.2015 11:33
Purpose: The thematic synthesis essay will be based on two of the pieces students have read thus far in the course or on two pieces the instructor chooses. The essay should identify and discuss how the authors convey the themes presented in the two pieces through use of nonfiction elements.

Instructions: First, identify the theme of both pieces. Next, create a comparison chart to explore how both authors use nonfiction elements to convey the theme. Decide whether that use is effective or ineffective. As previously mentioned, students can use the chart as a tool to collect information about both piecesinformation that can then be used in the essay.

Introduction: In the first paragraph, identify the titles and authors of the selected essays. The opening paragraph must provide a broad, but accurate, synopsis of the two essays as well as a clearly defined thesis statement. The thematic synthesis essay thesis statement should state the theme and nonfiction elements to discuss in the body paragraphs. Also, the thesis statement should clarify how the nonfiction elements effectively or ineffectively convey the theme.

Body Paragraphs: When comparing and/or contrasting two pieces, students should strive for an organization that helps the reader establish relationships among the information. Two common methods for comparing and/or contrasting items in an essay are block format and point by point. Block format allows students to discuss one piece completely before discussing the other piece. The following sample outline provides a general overview of the way in which one could organize the essay with the block method.

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