Consumer rights

Washington v. Glucksberg (1997) and Connecticut Department of Public Safety v. Doe (2003) (p. 44)
August 7, 2017
August 7, 2017
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Consumer rights

Does the consumer need his/her “privacy”? Shall we, as consumers, simply adjust to the loss of at least some part of our privacy and settle for more comfort and better commercialized offers instead?

Big data is a concept, whose popularity has been rapidly growing in recent months. Centralized data flow about their users has given the biggest corporations (e.g. Google, Facebook) a tremendous base of information about each move or action taken by users on-line. Data about users are gathered on those companies’ servers and make a huge databank thanks to which it is possible to analyze customers’ needs and behaviors. Thanks to mobile technology, geolocalization services and social media platforms know increasingly more about users and crouch into their privacy. As a result, users are submersed into “total invigilation” but simultaneously they get exactly what they want.

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