Consumer Behavior Journal/Shopping Audit

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Consumer Behavior Journal/Shopping Audit

Preferred language style: English (U.S.)

This is a three part project.

?    Part I requires you to maintain a personal consumption journal. The journal should cover your shopping/consumption through week 6 (January 19). The more entries you have, the easier the project will be to complete.
?    Part II requires you to construct a portrait of yourself as a consumer by developing a list of 10 products or services that you typically purchase (based on your journal). Also include your VALS profile.
?    Part III part requires you to select two products from your list of 10, and locate advertisements or promotions for them. For each ad selected, identify two to four consumer behavior concepts used in the ad to describe the demographic and psychographic segments to which the ad was targeted. Explain the reasoning for your conclusion. Indicate if you are representative of the segments you identified.

Here is a sample journal entry template:
Place of Purchase:
Item(s): Purchased
Brand Name: (for each item)
Price: (for each item)
Other descriptive Information:
Reason for Purchase:

Note: For your journal to meet the project requirements, you should complete a minimum of three (non-meal) journal entries each week. You must submit your journal entries to receive credit for this project.

Project Outline and Grading Rubric:

Part I: Journal    30 points
Part II: Consumer Self-Portrait    30 points
Part III: Consumer Behavior Analysis of Ads    30 points
Other: grammar, organization, MLA citations    10 points

NOTE: Projects without proper MLA citations for Part III (especially the identification of the CB concepts) will not be accepted. Therefore, you will receive a zero for the project, which is 15% of your total grade.

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