Conduct a literature review and add a risk assessment, risk management and business continuity steps that support data security and confidentiality during a disaster .

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Conduct a literature review and add a risk assessment, risk management and business continuity steps that support data security and confidentiality during a disaster .

This is Part 2 of the three-part proposal. Part 2 will be added to the graded and revised Unit 3 Part 1 section of the proposal Part 3 will be added in Unit 7 to complete the proposal. Make sure to use the most recent version of APA format. Citations and references should be no older than 3 years.


Create Part 2 of the three-part Proposal, adding the following critical elements:

•Conduct a literature review and add a risk assessment, risk management and business continuity steps that support data security and confidentiality during a disaster .
•Add education outline for the public and consumers on privacy, security, access to and maintenance of personal health records (PHRs), requirements and legalities before, during, and a disaster .

End with no conclusion.


•This is a fact-based Assignment that will not include unsupported opinion.
•This will require research and support for what is written.
•The proposal should be paraphrased with cites and references from scholarly and fact-based publications and without quotations.

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