These are the instructions and the questions for the midterm exam. The examination will be counted for 35 points toward your final grade. QUESTION 1: (15 POINTS) TO BE WRITTEN IN ABOUT TWO AND ONE HALF PAGES DOUBLE SPACED.Compare and contrast so called ”State Theory” with so called ”Trait Theory:a) name two trait theorists (1 point)b) name two trait theorists (1point)c) what advantages in explaining behavior do State Theories have (6.5 Points)d) what advanges in explaining behavior do Trait Theories have (6.5 Points) QUJESTION 2: 10 POINTS) TO BE WRITTIN ABOUT TWO PAGES DOUBLE SPACEDCompare and Contrast the life cycle theory of Erikson with that of Freuda) What did Erikson preservce of Freud’s theory?b) What did he add?c) Present and discuss Eirkson’s analysis of Gandhi and Lutherd) alternative to C: Discuss Narrative theory in psychology QUESTION 3: 5 POINTS TO BE WRITTEN IN ONE AND ONE HALF PAGES DOUBLE SPACEDWhat aspects of our personality are more susceptible to genetic influences than others? What are more determined by environmental influences? QUESTION 4; 5 points TO BE WRITTEN IN ONE AND ONE HALF PAGES DOUBLE SPACEDFind an online personality test. The short form of the Myers-Briggs might be fine.a) score and interpret the test resultsb)How accurate are the results?c) Why were they accurate or inaccurate?d) What are the limitations of this test?