Compare and contrast the arguments offered by John Lewis Gaddis and Walter LaFeber about the origins of the Cold War

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Compare and contrast the arguments offered by John Lewis Gaddis and Walter LaFeber about the origins of the Cold War

Write a 4 page essay comparing and contrasting the arguments offered by John Lewis Gaddis and Walter LaFeber about the origins of the Cold War. You should start by identifying the argument of each author. Then try to explain why Gaddis and LaFeber come to such different conclusions. In trying to address these issues, you might consider questions like the following. (Address only those that seem relevant.)
* Do the two historians make the same assumptions about the motivations and security interests of the U.S. and the Soviet Union? If not, how does that affect their respective arguments?
* Do the two historians give the same attention/weight to the actions of the U.S./Truman and the Soviet Union/Stalin? If not, how does that affect their arguments?

* How do the two historians describe the personalities of Truman and Stalin? How, if at all, does that affect their arguments?
* Is there anything on which Gaddis and LaFeber agree? Do you see any similarities in their arguments?

The bulk of your paper should compare and analyze the two arguments. However, once you have done this, you may choose to briefly evaluate the arguments. Do you find one or the other more convincing? If so, why?

Please spend some time ensuring that your paper is well organized and grammatical, that you use the active (rather than passive) voice, and that you begin paragraphs with strong topic sentences.
*** Paper is about comparing historians and their arguments, it is not about what was happening in the cold war. so just compare historians and their arguments.
*** 1st page: write about these 2 historians Motivations and explenetaions and create a strong thesis. How did they explain cold war started. Analyze their common and different arguments about the topic.
*** After comparing their arguments, write a strong conclusion before ending the paper.

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