Each individual is required to write and submit a book review. The following guidelines should be adhered to in preparing your paper:
1. Select a book that addresses current communication issues.
2. The body of the paper must be at least four-five pages in length, type written and double spaced (exclusive of the title page).
3. The paper must contain an introduction and closing paragraph.
4. Footnotes are required and may be placed either at the bottom of the page or grouped at the end of the paper.
The book review will be graded according to the following elements:
1. Content (relevance of the topics, length and scope of understanding).
2. Clarity of written presentation (grammar, writing style, presentation, analysis of theme and conclusion).
3. Originality and thoughtfulness with which the theme is related (i.e., the extent to which creative thought is used, rather than simply re-phrasing the thoughts of others).