Communication and Leadership    

I have a project due about the five basic functions of management and how they are used for internal analysis. I just need 200-300
August 7, 2017
1. What issue is the International Covenant on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination intended to address?
August 7, 2017
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Communication and Leadership    

Please answer 4 of the 13 questions below.  You should spend no more than 20 –30 minutes on each question and write from 1.5 to 2.5 pages on each.  Typed Double Spaced.  Ask me if you have questions.  Your answers should be insightful and brilliant, well developed and well written.

1A.  Develop your own personal leadership philosophy.


1B. Describe your personal approach to leadership.  Support that approach with material from your reading, class discussions and your own personal experiences.

  1. Discuss Situational Leadership. Explain the different components.  Discuss the utility of that approach, identifying both strengths and limitations.

3.  Discuss Transformational Leadership.  Explain the different components.  Discuss the utility of that approach, identifying both strengths and limitations.

4.  Discuss High Performing Teams.  Explain the different components.  Discuss the utility of that approach, identifying both strengths and limitations.

5.  Discuss one of Kouzes and Posner’s significant thoughts. Delineate their perspective and provide support for your view.

6.  Discuss an important leadership issue facing organizations today.  Delineate your perspective and provide support for your view.

7.  Take a situation in your professional or personal life.  Apply leadership concepts to it in a strategic fashion.  How would you deal with it?

8.  Identify one question about leadership that could have been asked on this exam and answer it.

9.  What is the single most significant concept you learned in this class about leadership and organizations?  Elaborate on it in a significant way.

10.  Take one leadership theory we have discussed and identify the central issues.  Discuss them focusing on application and potential problems.

11.  Discuss Constraint Theory.  Describe how it works and its utility for individuals in leadership positions.

12.  Discuss Vroom and Yetton’s Leadership Decision Tree.  Describe how it works and its utility for individuals in leadership positions.

13.  Identify a great leader.  Discuss her or his approach to leadership.  Elaborate on what lessons you have learned from their approach.

In all of your answers be brilliant and have fun.  But remember to be very clear about what you are attempting to say and how you say it.

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