Chrétien’s Lancelot

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Chrétien’s Lancelot

Chrétien’s Lancelot exemplifies the idea of courtly love. Poems such as this one extolled the idea that there is such a thing as true love, and that true love is always moral even if it involves adultery. What is your reaction to Chrétien’s celebration of romantic love?

 Chrétien’s Lancelot exemplifies the idea of courtly love. Poems such as this one extolled the idea that there is such a thing as true love, and that true love is always moral even if it involves adultery. What is your reaction to Chrétien’s celebration of romantic love? Paper details 1.) The paper should be double-spaced.
(2.) Use a traditional serif font of standard size, such as Times Roman 11-point or 12-point.
(3.) Use standard margins, both top and bottom and left and right. Most word-processing programs use 1”
margins as the default setting, and that is fine.
(4.) Indent the first line of each new paragraph no more than ten spaces. (5.) Do not place extra lines between paragraphs.
(6.) Do not use decorative graphics or illustrations.

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