choose the methods, concepts, data and references that help you illuminate your theme, and the synthetic ability to put the pieces (insights, trends, patterns, and results of analysis, etc.) together to form a defensible strategy.

Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
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The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) was passed as the result of the Enron scandal and other instances of accounting fraud. Discuss
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choose the methods, concepts, data and references that help you illuminate your theme, and the synthetic ability to put the pieces (insights, trends, patterns, and results of analysis, etc.) together to form a defensible strategy.

This is a strategic assessment of 6-8 pages, full proper referencing, and professional qualityBriefly, strategy is both an analytic and synthetic thinking process. Analysis is the taking apart of things to see how they work, whereas synthesis (integration) is the putting together of parts to make a whole: one that works. In your papers, I assume professional quality critical thinking and presentation skills, including proper in-text referencing of all points (no plagiarism) AND an ability to analyze a case, find those aspects that you want to focus on (theme), choose the methods, concepts, data and references that help you illuminate your theme, and the synthetic ability to put the pieces (insights, trends, patterns, and results of analysis, etc.) together to form a defensible strategyStrategy is in essence a storyline about what and why an organization (or person) is going to do this or that in this or that way; not another. It is a guide into the entity’s future.

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