Choose one of the seven disorders you read about in this unit: Fragile X syndrome, ADHD, Turner syndrome, Down syndrome, Williams syndrome, autism, and FAS. Respond to the following questions using the disorder you chose.

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Choose one of the seven disorders you read about in this unit: Fragile X syndrome, ADHD, Turner syndrome, Down syndrome, Williams syndrome, autism, and FAS. Respond to the following questions using the disorder you chose.


Choose one of the seven disorders you read about in this unit: Fragile X syndrome, ADHD, Turner syndrome, Down syndrome, Williams syndrome, autism, and FAS. Respond to the following questions using the disorder you chose.

Your friend Alice tells you that her daughter Lauren has been recently diagnosed with this disorder. Alice would like more details and comes to you for information.

Provide a description of the disorder.

Ask three friends or family members who are not in the field of medicine or psychology what they know about the cause and symptoms of the disorder. Analyze their replies and discuss what this might imply about how this disorder is known and perceived by the general public.

Alice expresses guilt that she may have caused Lauren’s disorder and is also concerned that it might occur again in future offspring. What would you advise her in terms of preventive actions, available testing, and reproduction options?

please give at least three solid references and explain the reference with examples

200-300 words

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