business plan for an education or community arts project or initiative
1. Developing an Arts Education Interpretation Activity
This is an opportunity to design a new original arts education interpretation ‘pack’ or ‘activity’ for a cultural organisation and audience of your choosing. The pack will feature curriculum development and activities. The assessment includes a rational and related materials. 4000 words (or equivalent)
This project is an opportunity to completely design an interpretation pack from concept to (near) completion. Where appropriate, a printed ‘mock-up’ or model of the project should be presented. This should be no more than the size of an A4 box file.
2. Parameters:
2.1 Rational & Project Framework (40%)
Rationale for the programme
motivation for the project (full overview)
aims & objectives
need & demand (why the Cultural Institution needs this Arts Education Interpretation Pack, appropriate policy mapping,)
potential impact (both pro and con)
target audience(s)
engagement / recruitment strategy (including marketing and PR)
Partnerships & Engagement
potential funding sources (relevant to type of programme)
income and expenditure (per annum) (headings / totals only)
list expenditure headings
Legacy / Exit strategy
Risk Analysis
2.2 Education Interpretation Activity (60%)
Structure: Physical design of education interpretation pack
educational activity in detail (include examples, models, images, learning resources)
educational elements (can include national curriculum mapping if appropriate, expected learning outcomes)
Note: Design skill will not be graded, this assignment will assess the quality of the educational content and concept.