Theproject will demonstrate your comprehension of accountingsystemsandyourabilitytoeffectively communicateinwriting.
Assumeyou are the owner of a small CPA practicein a major metropolitan area. You have six professionalemployees, of which 2 arerelativelynewCPAs(recentgraduatesfromUMUC), and an experienced office manager. In the past, your practice consists primarily of tax and advisory services, but you want to expandthepractice.Baseduponyourdesirestoexpandthepractice,youhavefoundapotential newclient. The client has a growinghomeowners’associationconsistingof1000 homeowners,whoisinthe process of acquiring withfourotherhomeownerassociationswithinthenext 90 days. This acquisition willincreasethenumberof homeowners to 3000. Thenewclientis interested in using a single automated accounting information system that will be able to perform the following functions:
1. Billing – Each month, the system will generate an itemized bill for each homeowner. The fees will vary from $100 to $200 per month, based upon the location of each home, and the type of home (townhouse or single family homes). Late feesare 20 percent per month of the unpaid balance. The bills are mailed the 25th of each month and payment is due by the 10th of the following month. .
2. Collections– Payments can be made in person (at the HOA main office); via mail (via a PO Box); or electronically. Payments will be deposited to the client’s account.
3. Payments: It is expected that the system will generate a minimum of 100 checks / payments each month. These payments will cover a variety of services, such as expenses for
4. Payroll: It is expect that the client will have roughly 20 full-time employees and 30 part-time employees. Employees will be paid on a bi-weekly basis. Payment will be made from the client’s payroll checking account, which is separate from the client’s primary account.
5. Reporting: It is expected that the system will be able to handle any and all reporting, including periodic financialstatements.
Currently two of the four HOAs (including the client) are using an automated accounting system (Sage and QuickBooks), while the others are using Microsoft Excel to perform its accounting functions. Per this, you can see why the client will want to move to a single system. The client is using QuickBooks, but is open to using another system.
As the owner o the CPA firm, you are excitedbythisopportunitybecauseitisawaytoexpandyourpractice, but this is an opportunity that is very new to you. As the result of this opportunity, you have asked your lead CPA to develop a document that will help you to determine if you should proceed with this opportunity. You have given your resources 4 weeks to complete this assignment.
Required:Usingthemethodologydevelopedinthiscourse,documentandillustrate the system from anautomatedfunctionviewpoint.Aspart of your documentation,youwillneedtoidentify the specific system requirements in the areasofinputs,outputs, and controls for each of the service areas. You will be also required to provide mock-ups of sample forms, documents, and reports. Your finish product will be a paper & a PowerPoint presentation (a summary of the paper), based upon the following outline.
1. ExecutiveSummary
2. Introduction
o Purposeof NewSystem
3. ProposedSystemRequirements
o Billing
o InputRequirements
o Output Requirements
o Control Requirements
o Collection
o InputRequirements
o Output Requirements
o Control Requirements
o Payments
o InputRequirements
o Output Requirements
o Control Requirements
o Payroll
o InputRequirements
o Output Requirements
o Control Requirements
o Financial Reporting
o InputRequirements
o Output Requirements
o Control Requirements
4. Proposed Outsourcing Functions
5. System Selection
6. ChallengestoAutomation
7. Appendix
Listedbelowisasummaryofeachsection, including projected page lengths.
Paper Guidelines
Presentation Guidelines
Yourgradefor this project willbe based on the quality of both contentandpresentation,considering thefollowing:
o Well-written and free of grammaticalandtypographicalerrors
o Professional,neatappearance
o Abilitytousespecificformattingguidelines(aslistedbelow)