Assume you have 3 documents with the following terms:If the query Q is composed of terms ”computer” and ”development”, what is the relevance of each document to the query using the TF.IDF measure?2. Explain in detail how the system deals with failures.

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Assume you have 3 documents with the following terms:If the query Q is composed of terms ”computer” and ”development”, what is the relevance of each document to the query using the TF.IDF measure?2. Explain in detail how the system deals with failures.

 Assume you have 3 documents with the following terms:If the query Q is composed of terms ”computer” and ”development”, what is the relevance of each document to the query using the TF.IDF measure?2. Explain in detail how the  system deals with  failures.3. Explain and write the  for a Mapper/Reducer that takes as input a large file (possibly split into chucks) of integers and outputs:4.  Explain in detail why  may be a better solution than OLAP for some problems. Provide concrete examples.

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