Assignment 3 – Year 12 Program

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Assignment 3 – Year 12 Program

3. Year 12 Program (3000 words)
Develop a topic for a Unit of work for one HSC-level Chemistry module. (Refer to the NSW BOSTES Syllabus and refer to the Support Document, pages 53 – 54 for a sample proforma). The unit of work should cover a total of 15 lessons, (i.e. the equivalent of 5 x 40-minute periods a week). It should be given a title, and include:
1. A rationale statement, including an outline of why the unit is being taught and how the topic will be taught from a Christian Perspective.
2. Outcomes linked to the relevant syllabus documents and outcomes related to the Christian perspectives introduced in the rationale.
3. A three-week schedule of the 15 lessons to be taught with a title or heading for each lesson and a brief description, the resources to be utilised and the differentiation strategies to be incorporated; but not a detailed lesson plan
4. Two sample consecutive lessons (2×40 minutes) with sequenced and detailed teaching and learning strategies.
5. Two sample assessment tasks for the first topic in this module only (not each of the five topics), that include a brief description of the context, a description of the activity, clear links between the targeted outcomes and specified tasks, criteria for assessing the learning, and specific guidelines for marking.
6. How the unit will be evaluated to ensure it continues to be relevant to outcomes, current and stimulating.

Please find attached file chemistry method study book refer to page 11 of study book

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