
qualitative and quantitative
August 7, 2017
Identify various levels and types of strategy in a firm.
August 7, 2017
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Case Study Jose
José is a senior in high school and was just suspended for the fifth time for bullying other students. During the last instance of bullying, José used violence. As a result, the school referred him to an outpatient counselor. Upon meeting with the counselor, José completed a personality assessment. Using the results of the assessment, the counselor diagnosed José with antisocial personality disorder. Was the personality assessment appropriate for José’s situation? If not, was the diagnosis correct? What possible impact might an incorrect diagnosis have on José and his life?
2) Description
Personality assessment results provide invaluable information that can be used for case conceptualization, treatment planning, and diagnosis. For example, projective techniques are less structured than standardized personality assessments and are designed to reduce a client’s ability to anticipate the “right” answer. However, projective techniques have lower reliability and validity because the clinician must interpret the client’s response. When any personality technique is used and/or interpreted incorrectly, the results can be detrimental to clients. As a future counselor, you should become familiar with personality assessments and understand how to interpret their results.
You must also access ,
Laureate Education (Producer). (2010). Personality assessments [Interactive media file]. Retrieved from CDN database. (COUN 6360) to write this paper.
You are aslo asked to which personality assessment is suitable for which client,that. you will see /watch in the , Personality assessments [Interactive media file]. “Cassandra,Sylvester,and Symanth” cases are in this video file.
just Answer the question, as to out of “MMPI,MCI or “16 personality factor inventory” Assessment ,should be used to assess each individual.
(“Cassandra,Sylvester,and Samantha”)or jose.

For this Discussion, paper ,you are to take the “Assessment”. you will need to complete “The Adjective Check List,” also known as the BeMis III.
You will be prompted to provide further information before beginning the assessment. The only information which you are required to enter are last name, first name, middle initial, sex, and e-mail address to send the report to.
Note: You are not required to enter your real name in the Last Name, First Name, and Middle Initial fields, but you must place characters in these fields in order to proceed. Additionally, you must enter your full, correct Walden University e-mail address in both the E-Mail and E-Mail Report to (address) fields, as well as your correct sex in the Sex field in order to receive your report.
Furthermore, you are only permitted to take the assessment one time. If you have technical difficulties and need to complete the assessment an additional time, please contact me immediately. Please note, You should receive your results within one day of taking the assessment, so please be sure to complete the assessment early enough in order to complete this Discussion paper.
If you are unable to take the computerized version (Adjective check list), please utilize the “Sample ‘Personality Report’” provided below in order to complete the Discussion paper.
Gough, H. G., & Heilbrun, A. B. (2007). The adjective check list. Mountain View, CA: CPP. Retrieved from
•The BEMIS Personality Report for Sample, Client M. (PDF)
Used by permission of Management and Planned Development, Inc.

•Laureate Education (Producer). (2010). Personality assessments [Interactive media file]. Retrieved from CDN database. (COUN 6360)

In this interactive matching exercise, you learn about three individuals—Cassandra, Sylvester, and Samantha—and you decide which personality assessment should be used to assess each individual.
Optional Resources
•Measurement and Planned Development. (2005). BeMIS III: The behavioral management information system interpreter’s guide. Williamsburg, VA: Author.
2) Description-3
You are to complete Gough and Heilbrun’s “Adjective Check List” and interpret your own results. In lieu of an Assignment, you will have a Test for Understanding about the concepts related to personality assessment and diagnosis.
You will consider the benefits and risks of using personality assessment results to inform diagnosis and reflect on ethical and multicultural considerations. which personality assessment should be used for Jose.
If you are unable to take the computerized version, please utilize the “Sample ‘Personality Report’” provided below in order to complete the Discussion paper.
The BEMIS Personality Report for Sample, Client M. (PDF)
Used by permission of Management and Planned Development, Inc.
2)Note to the writer.
Writer you must login to complete this “Adjective Check List” ,then write your interpretation in this paper.
You also must login to the “Sample ‘Personality Report’” The BEMIS Personality Report for Sample, Client M. (PDF)
be used for Jose case study to write this Discussion paper
Used by permission of Management and Planned Development, Inc.
You must login to my required resources/References
3) References
For this Discussion paper, you need to complete “The Adjective Check List,” also known as the BeMis III.
If you are unable to take the computerized version, then please utilize the “Sample ‘Personality Report’” provided below in order to complete this Discussion paper.
The BEMIS Personality Report for Sample, Client M. (PDF)
For this week’s Discussion, you need to complete “The Adjective Check List,” also known as the BeMis III.
You will be prompted to provide further information before beginning the assessment.
Gough, H. G., & Heilbrun, A. B. (2007). The adjective check list. Mountain View, CA: CPP. Retrieved from
Please utilize the “Sample ‘Personality Report’” be used for Jose .(provided below in order to complete this Discussion paper) .
•The BEMIS Personality Report for Sample, Client M. (PDF)
Used by permission of Management and Planned Development, Inc.

5) References
Whiston, S. C. (2013). Principles and applications of assessment in counseling (4th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.
Article: “Appraisal of Personality”
Article: “Assessment and Diagnosis”
American Counseling Association. (2005). ACA code of ethics. Retrieved from
Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development (1996). AMCD multicultural counseling competencies. Retrieved from
Craig, R. J. (2005). Assessing personality and mood with adjective check list methodology: A review. International Journal of Testing, 5(3), 177–196.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
Owen, J. (2008). The nature of confirmatory strategies in the initial assessment process. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 30(4), 362–374.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
Jones, K. D. (2012). Dimensional and cross-cutting assessment in the DSM-5. Journal of Counseling and Development, 90(4), 481–487.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

•Laureate Education (Producer). (2010). Personality assessments [Interactive media file]. Retrieved from CDN database. (COUN 6360)

In this interactive matching exercise, you learn about three individuals—Cassandra, Sylvester, and Samantha—and you decide which personality assessment should be used to assess each individual.
Optional Resources
•Measurement and Planned Development. (2005). BeMIS III: The behavioral management information system interpreter’s guide. Williamsburg, VA: Author.
4) Note to the writer.(Very Important)
•You must login and use my required resources, and click on links provided you to write this paper.I am a female (my gender) in case you do the
•Here is my login info
•Username: [email protected]
•My password : lalababu123456

My Gender=female (in case you do the computerized version, ) you will put my gender)
Go to my “Assessment In Counseling class” go to w8 Resources.
All required resources are there to write this paper.(provided you above )
Must also access , Personality assessments [Interactive media file]. To write this paper and what assessment is suitable for “Cassandra,Sylvester,and “Symanth” that you will see them with their case study problems in the above video file and 3 different Assessment Instrumeents. click on the one ,what you think is suitable for them.

Note;Without you accessessing those links/resources, this paper cannot be completed, you cannot write this paper because info is in those links or Assessment Report, and “Adjective check list”. and•@
Laureate Education (Producer). (2010). Personality assessments [Interactive media file]. Retrieved from CDN database. (COUN 6360) You must utilize at least 1 of those links/resources above ,but must use this Personality assessments [Interactive media file]. (video 0 cite and reference it in the paper.


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