As you reflect on the information from this lesson, particularly the notion of a “land ethic,” consider the following questions—What is your relationship with nature? In a paragraph or two, explain your views.

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As you reflect on the information from this lesson, particularly the notion of a “land ethic,” consider the following questions—What is your relationship with nature? In a paragraph or two, explain your views.

Simple two separate questions.
Question 1 (300 words): Aldo Leopold makes an argument for humans being part of nature. Do you agree or disagree with his argument? i.e., Are humans part of nature? Or Are humans above nature? Do you feel Leopold’s concept of “land ethic” is relevant today?
Source: attached.
Question 2 (250 words):As you reflect on the information from this lesson, particularly the notion of a “land ethic,” consider the following questions—What is your relationship with nature? In a paragraph or two, explain your views.

Source: Book.
Nash, R. (2014). Wilderness and the American Mind (5th edition). New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Chapters 11, pp. 182-199.

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