Analyze the overall evolution of health care in the U.S. Provide at least two (2) specific examples of the changes that have occurred in the health care industry in the U.S.

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Analyze the overall evolution of health care in the U.S. Provide at least two (2) specific examples of the changes that have occurred in the health care industry in the U.S.

Analyze the overall evolution of health care in the U.S. Provide at least two (2) specific examples of the changes that have occurred in the health care industry in the U.S.

Examine two to three (2-3) different health care structures that have emerged in the U.S. within the last 50 years. Next, elaborate on the major trends that have occurred in the last 50 years.

Assess the significance of the changes in the availability and delivery of health care in the 21st Century, and explore the manner in which these changes have had an impact on patients’ access to basic health care services.

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