Analyze the effect of the Second World War on moves towards the European Union
The European is a good instance of a region where a number of contradictory streams, ideas and desires constantly associated in the past. Countries were disintegrated by language and religion as well as economic, political and security matters. Multilateral agreement took place mid-20th century. The European integration stood to be just like any other theoretical level.
It is therefore relevant to differentiate between the three steps of European reunion: it started with the preparatory step, also known as the first signs and notions on the construction of Europe. The second step is the political, economic and a safety instance that succeeded the Second World War and involved similar desires and interests of the European countries after the war. Just as the first one with the creation of a common Europe it shows a great step in materializing ideas and dreams (Bromley, 2001). These are the initial steps to a European integration. Presently we are undergoing a third step of European integration that shows the subsequent move and shows the next qualitative shift and symbolizes a common European identity.
The main purpose of this paper is to assess the commencement of the second step of the European integration. The focus is on the post-war aspects of life and safety issues in Europe in addition to the identification of the elements and intentions that brought about the European Identification (Cini, 2007). It attempts to see if the significance of the Treaties of Rome and Paris is appreciated adequately.
It is in this analysis that the post-war political issues will be looked into as well as the impacts of the conflict that brought about the integration (Cameron, 2004; Kahanec and Zimmerman, 2008). It conceptualizes the external and internal matters that brought about this advancement.
From an internal focus, the western nations got themselves in matters of mutual reliance after the Second World War. However this reliance did not rely on the centrifugal aspect of their freedom. The pressure of similar desires and needs at last brought about the recognition of western European nations, which their freedom had used up their utility. Nations were made to reduce their rights and shift them to supranational associations.
In external focus, the world was bipolarized. The true champions of the Second World War – the USA and Soviet Union- behaved as if they were the main powers of the world (Traush, 2000). Their relations were termed to as increasing in tension with regard to ideological, political and economic variations. These aspects majorly affected the creation of the European set up.
Turbulent Times After the War
The formation of the post-war Europe was looked during and at its termination. Europe’s freedom from war matters was a promising aspect for other advancement. Several groups came up with the desire to create a Europe that is close.
A common benefit of the war was that it brought about awareness of the delicateness of the war political model of the nations. Every European nation that had a doubtful democratic base got into the conflict fast, basically, this was the step that is known as the seeking of balance that was meant to look for a new Europe.
The Truman Doctrine formed in 1947 brought about American support to the free individuals that went against the subjugation of the forces. The USA was willing to back nations that were threatened by Soviet desires or aggression (Traush, 2000; Suchacek, 1995). It showed an increasing need between the US and the Soviet Union that was designed to heighten their influence in Europe.
Still in the same month, the Treaty of Dunkirk where British and French forces made efforts to safeguard themselves from German attack. The association between France and Germany was still not solved in Europe; it affected their associations and brought about tension and uncertainty in Europe. The delicate matter on restoration of heavy industries in Germany brought about the issue of sufficient protection opposing the military production and adventures. Similarly, the matter on Saar nation was quite sensitive (Kahanec and Zimmerman, 2008; Recchi and Favell, 2009). There was a mental strain in Europe after the war and it is due to the happenings of the Cold War and Iron Curtain that made it difficult to create an integrated Europe.
The Marshall’s Plan was a great achievement after the Second World War that brought about economic restoration of the western part of Europe. The US offered its support to European nations and opted that both the west and east nations ought to work together (Traush, 2000). It was later due to the negative issues of the Soviet Union and other nations that led to slim interaction of the east and west.
In 1948 there was a treaty (Treaty of Collective Defense Against Soviet Union and Germany) that was aimed at safeguarding Germany because of subsequence advancement. It was later abolished that was later remodeled to be OECD. Hence the procedure of economic and political disintegration of European West and Eastern nations fastened.
A year later there was the North Atlantic Treaty that comprised of Western Germany and NATO that was a reaction by the eastern part with the Warsaw Pact of 1955 (Cameron, 2004; Pioneur, n.d.). This slimed the speed of integration, normally with little risk from European nations, the integration was slow. On the other hand, outside influence showed itself keenly.
Great hope was bestowed to the Congress of Europe in 1948. This was meant to terminate symbolically the period of nervous and obscure associations, passionate desire for the European base and reserved tendencies. The most significant leaders from around European nations looked into ways for its future advancement, though the ultimate outcome brought about discontentment more so for the ones looking for an open federal Europe.
European Coal and Steel Community
There was a proposal that was made by a French Minister Robert Schumann that was related to the creation of a European supranational organization. It is in this proposal that Schumann stated that European nations are a ground for peace. An attribute for this suggestion was that it involved the removal of ancient competition as well as mutual hostility that existed between France and Germany (Cameron, 2004). The proposal lay on subordinating the coal and steel companies to be global control devices.
The American pressure on European allies to join the remade West German economy whereas if it was not there, there would be no success in the creation of a European economic development. The French government was made to get into national security with economic success (Puchala, 1999). Definitely, the project could cover up the method that has been used. With regard to the military aspect, the strategy may greatly limit the chances of states of the armament. This aspect of the Schumann’s project looked to a euphemistic tag for the purpose of safeguarding the chances of rearmament of Germany. It is vital to create a war that is not unthinkable but materially not viable. This shows chances of conflict at the political base that was done away with (Bromley, 2001; Suchacek, 1995). One cannot do away with it from an economist point. One cannot do away with the two lines of heavy industry that undertook a vital role for the formation of an economic infrastructure.
The proposal could not be kept in the bilateral point of view. It is the integration by other European nations that was vital and needed more so in the point of view of European Integration. Later, Italy and Benelux became part of it. The creators of the European Coal and Steel Community went after the goal of contribution to the economic success, chances of employment and standards of living in the member nations. Coal and Steel companies were done away with from complete national competencies and accorded supreme control (Traush, 2000). A supreme authority had created a decision base for production, investment and social aspects as well as prices. These supreme authority or control was known as Supranational that was known as a qualitative shift in the past of European integration. In the legal background, the Treaty made it possible for the advancement of instances for the growth and application of unique legal models of European base. The agreement was a vital aspect in European centers, and in a larger sense, the European composition. The European Coal and Steel Treaty were brought about by federalism. The agreement brought about High Authority whose people were allocated by governments of the nations that were involved (Puchala, 1999; Pioneur, n.d.). This was a decision maker and free on the nations that were part of it.
There was an increase of American pressure following the North Korea invasion to South Korea to make it possible for the rearmament of the Western part of Germany, pushing the centers of power of France, Netherlands and Belgium into going for a federal proposal for European safeguard.
The UK was still a process of composition and served as a position of American criticism as the US rigidly backed the European Defence. The French declined the European Defence and it suffered from a number of inner complexities as a result of constant changes of centers of control (Cameron, 2004). This stated that the temporary stoppage of European composition however on the other side, it speeded up.
Seemingly, basic acquisition of sector composition in a slim circle could not suffice for the answer of inner economic issues or the formation of a conflict influence of European nations. At the end of the Coal and Steel agreement it desired for an extension of economic agreement and composition. It brought about the formation of the Beyen Plan that brought about economic community.
The president of the High Authority Coal and Steel came up with influences so as to advance a resumption of dialogue. This led to the creation of Europe that placed into consideration the economic aspect. The meeting that was in place formed a common market as well as an Atomic Energy Community (Bromley, 2001; Jachtenfuchs, 2001). The atomic energy discussion led to the focus on a balance of interests and foreign policy. The atomic energy issue was vital and had to be effective.
There was later a discussion on a common market in the Spaak Committee. Agriculture was included in the system (Jachtenfuchs, 2001; Cini, 2007). Thought of free trade with no agriculture was another option to a customs union. In that matter, no tariffs in the members would be used. However they would have to keep their external tariffs and source of products for other regions to be managed.
European Integration is considered as an ideographical procedure whose commencement went through a difficult period. This is quite true more so for the period of the termination of the World War II until the agreement that was formed in Rome. All of the most common global procedure or the formation of global centers is an intersection and an outcome of common desires of the actors and outside instances. One is able to vary the significant dimensions of composition: political, economic and security aspects.
After the consideration of the several stages of the change, one acquires the notion of integration having begun from free autonomy of some nations, more so after the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community with its great implication and hence the objective of a true change in the European Integration. The US had an interest in modelling the advancement of United States of Europe. Plans and treaties made it possible for the recipients to cooperate with the help of a Marshall plan. The integration of Europe can be summarized as being of political, economic and social benefit to the member nations.
Annotated Bibliography
1. Bromley, S. (2001).Governing the European Union. London: SAGE.
This book is based on the contrast that exits between governance and government in terms of the political model that is attributed to the EU, it also tracks the changes that take place in the EU along its political and legal centers to their contemporary procedures and models, look into the functions of the political set ups like the European Integration. Its significance will be based in the administration of the European Integration through law and order, the creation of political set ups, the finances brought about by it as well as the processes involved in the integration.
2. Cameron, F. (2004).The Future of Europe: Integration and Enlargement. New York: Routledge. This book looks at the past changes and treaties that brought about the European Integration. There was no choice of political and economic reasons. Its terminates the disintegration that was brought about in Europe. The Integration of European nation was motivated by the need for peace. The European Integration laid on two issues; deepening and widening. Success has hence been achieved due to this tool. The books opts that for a successful integration to be witnessed, there has to be economic, monetary and social policies. This book is valuable to our area of study that is based on the impacts that are acquired from the integration of nations in the European set up. The reasons that bring the people together had varied implications to each of the nations both successfully as well as challenging-wise.
This article looks at the study of European integration that is divided into the classical integration and the governance method which is a non-reliant aspect. These factors look into the reliability of governance and do away with matters like democracy and legitimacy. Its relevance is based on Europeanization, policy-formation and network issues. The aspect of keen consideration is the governance aspect that is involved in putting together the European Integration concept.
This book offers an inner assessment of the impact of the post-growth migration tendencies on the acquiring and directing nation in terms of labour, welfare and development and competitiveness. This book is vital in that it offers evidence showing that EU enlargement and a major implication on the migration tendencies from an emerging to an ancient nation, hindrances were applied in certain nations, and negative aspects with regard to labour market in terms of wages, the integration brought about growth and these results make it possible to note the impact brought about by the integration.
5. Cini, M. (2007). European Union Politics. New York: Oxford University Press. This book is about the European Union and the politics that arise from the whole process. It is composed of a collection of institutionalized models of choices that are to be made. the process for the integration is composed of a number of steps like agreements, laws and norms. These aspects bring about values and democracy for the member states. Its value is based on the valuable aspects that are part and parcel for a successful Union to be established.
This book looks at the aspect of integration in the European set up and emergency of its identity in other nations within the EU. The union is based on the aspect of free movement of products, and services as well as individuals. It is composed of treaties that have been used to create the free shift of people so as to create economic success in those states. Its association with the area of focus is that the European integration has made Europe an area of great focus in nations that have to balance between growths and shift that is due to public need.
7. Recchi, E. and Favell, A. (2009).Pioneers of European Integration: Citizenship and Mobility in the EU. Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing.
This book looks at the European Integration as a special economic, political, legal and social setting in regional composition. The EU is portrayed as organized nations that are targeting a number of objectives. A regional logic is seen as the best way to a sustained and governable political set up that is formed from an economic globalization. This book is important in the area of study as it helps to bring to focus what constitutes the autonomy in the management of economy and political aspects on a common set of supranational centers. This is a special set of integration that has not been seen in any other part of the world in a common set of transnational political order.
This book offers a detailed analysis of the stages that the European integration undertook. There was the preparatory step then the political, economic and safety instances after the Second World War that applied similar desires of the nations after the war. Then there is the third step which is the European Integration that shows qualitative change and the desire for a similar European identity. Its value is manifested in these steps as well as through the analysis of these stages and focus in the aspects that brought about this integration.
This article is based on the relations between the US and European nations from the period 1950 to 1974. The association between America and Europe has been vital. The American aspect has played a vital role in modelling the policies as well as modelling the associations they have established. The US played a vital role in the creation of an autonomous of the present Europe with the help of it military. There was however issues on the reliance of non-European powers without regard to their good intentions. This is the main focus of this article. Its relevance lies in the role played by the US in the European Integration.
This article looks at the European Community in relation to institutions that have connected themselves with the intergovernmentalists. A number of theories are looked at that brought about the European Integration. Of focus is the debate’s importance as it is what takes place in European nations. Its significance is based on the assumptions and facts that took place in the varied stages of integration. The integration may be attributed to the agreements by governments and institutions.