Analysis of the importance of the event/decisions for the evolution of economic institutions.

In the Week Three Assignment, you engaged in a case analysis of a current business problem using some of the components of an argumentative essay. In this written assignment, you will write a complete argumentative essay as described in Sections 9.1 and 9.2 of (Foster, Hardy, & Zúñiga y Postigo, 2015). This essay will include a revised and polished version of your Week Three Assignment, an objection to your thesis, a rebuttal, and concluding remarks.
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Analysis of the importance of the event/decisions for the evolution of economic institutions.

he causes of the Financial crisis in 2007

These papers should include:

• Overview of the historical events analyzed and the historical context in which they occurred
• Explicit discussion of the relevant economic concepts important to the event
• Explicit discussion of the economic philosophy, concepts, or beliefs that framed the policy decisions made that either contributed to the event or in response to the event and to what extent, if any, decision-makers of the time misunderstood the consequences of their decisions
• Analysis of the importance of the event/decisions for the evolution of economic institutions.

You have some liberty in how you address the paper. Just make sure that the emphasis in the paper is on the economics, not just the history. The historical events themselves are important, but the emphasis of the paper needs to be an economic analysis of the event.

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