An unknown solid (100A) and an unknown liquid (100 B) was given to identify the empirical formula, the molecular formula, the name of the compound, the structure, and a NMR and IR rationale using all the information. I have attached below a report sheet of the solid that has the melting point filled, a report sheet of the liquid that has the boiling point filled in and the index of refraction value.

How do Lewton horror films comment on the real, everyday world.?,
August 7, 2017
Identify a contact person for the quality improvement program at a long-term care facility in your geographic area(Virigina). Conduct a brief in-person, telephone, or email interview with this contact person, concentrating on the following areas:
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An unknown solid (100A) and an unknown liquid (100 B) was given to identify the empirical formula, the molecular formula, the name of the compound, the structure, and a NMR and IR rationale using all the information. I have attached below a report sheet of the solid that has the melting point filled, a report sheet of the liquid that has the boiling point filled in and the index of refraction value.

An unknown solid (100A) and an unknown liquid (100 B) was given to identify the empirical formula, the molecular formula, the name of the compound, the structure, and a NMR and IR rationale using all the information. I have attached below a report sheet of the solid that has the melting point filled, a report sheet of the liquid that has the boiling point filled in and the index of refraction value. Also an exmple model of the format of the report sheets, a guide of characteristics of proton chemical shift and characteristics of infrared absorption frequency and NMR graphs. **This is NOT a paper***

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