An assessment of your overall writing performance. What do you do well?

WEEK 5 mgt 380 final paper
August 7, 2017
Project 2—Macroeconomic Analysis
August 7, 2017
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An assessment of your overall writing performance. What do you do well?

The final reflection is an opportunity to assess your work with a critical eye and to think about what you’re most proud of, what you most enjoyed doing, and what you want to improve. It’s your chance to think about and say what you’ve learned. You can write this in the form of an essay or the form of a letter to the instructor (this assignment does not require MLA format). The Final Reflection should be about 900 words. Your reflection should cover the following (make sure to write about each bulleted category, but you don’t need to respond to every sub-question; use whatever sparks ideas):

An evaluation of each essay that you wrote this quarter. Consider both strengths and weaknesses, and give examples from your writing to support what you say. What would you change if you had more time? Which is your favorite piece, and why? Your least favorite?

An assessment of your overall writing performance. What do you do well? What still needs improvement? What do you want your work to say about you? What does your work say about you?

A discussion of how the writing you did in this course has affected your development as a writer. How does your writing for this class compare with writing you have done in the past? What do you know now that you didn’t know before? What can you do that you couldn’t do before?

A description of your writing habits and process. What do you usually do? How well does it work? What techniques seem to help you most, and why? Which seem less helpful? Did you make any changes to your writing process this quarter? Feel free to share any behind-the-scenes stories about your process for writing the essays.

An analysis of your performance in the course. How did you spend your time? Did you collaborate with others? Did you have conferences with your instructor? Did you visit the writing center? What research did you do for your essays? Consider how these or any other activities contributed to your success.

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