Create an argument in favor of one of these two positions:
That undocumented workers should be granted amnesty and a green card; after five further years’ residence and work in the United States, they should be able to obtain citizenship. This amnesty will be one time only.
That no amnesty of undocumented workers should be granted and that increased efforts should be made to arrest and deport undocumented workers to their home countries, with no chance to return to the United States; furthermore, those who have employed them should, if found guilty, pay a substantial fine per undocumented worker and, if they hold government contracts, be stripped of those contracts.
Week 9 Required Readings
General Background:
Philip Martin and Elizabeth Midgley: “Immigration: Shaping and Reshaping America”
Richard Frethorne: A Letter from an Indentured Servant in Virginia (written in 1623; published in 1881)
The First Records of Anglo-American Colonization
From The Life and Times of Sir Walter Raleigh
Mass immigration from Europe:
Julie Redstone: “Message of the Statue of Liberty”
Henry Cabot Lodge: “For Immigration Restrictions”
The Japanese experience:
“Japanese Americans & the U.S. Constitution
The Latino experience:
Latino Stories
Cultural Pluralism:
“A Different Mirror: A Conversation with Ronald Takaki”
Immigration and Economics:
Greenstone and Looney: “Ten Economic Facts about Immigration”
Reactions to September 11th events:
George Bush: “Statement by the President in His Address to the Nation”
Concerns about Illegal immigration: The Arizona and Alabama laws:
“New Immigration Law”
“California: The Immigration Dilemma”
“Alabama Immigration Law Deterring Investors”