Although Galileo never discusses the Copernican, heliocentric view of the solar system in The Starry Messenger

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Although Galileo never discusses the Copernican, heliocentric view of the solar system in The Starry Messenger

1. Although Galileo never discusses the Copernican, heliocentric view of the solar system in The Starry Messenger, give two examples of his reasoning that he would have considered support for that view. Be specific. (10 points)

2. Choose two images from Ryan Gurney’s lectures and show how each of them could be used to support a concrete claim made in Westermann’s chapter about Dutch life in the 17th century. (15 points)

3. Define “orientalism” and discuss how Gêrome’s painting, The Snake Charmer, contributes to it. (10 points)

4. Use one of the primary “texts” (by Luther, Lorck, Busbecq, and Bessarion) as evidence for the idea that early modern treatments of the Ottomans often were just as much about the situation in Europe as they were about the Turks. (10 points)

5. What is Kant’s definition of “enlightenment”? Explain what he means in your own words. Why could this be a revolutionary idea? (10 points)

6. What is meant by the notion of a “public sphere”? Give concrete examples. How is it connected to, perhaps even a necessary condition for, the development of “enlightenment” according to Kant? (15 points)

7. Give three concrete examples from Mozart’s Magic Flute of how the opera represents ideas of the Enlightenment. (10 points)

8. Connect each item in the left column to the most appropriate item in the right column (10 points). Don’t just draw lines but type the matching numbers and letters.

1. 1789 a. Turkey
2. Unmündigkeit b. scientific revolutions
3. Olympe de Gouges c. French Revolution
4. Ottomans d. immaturity or minority status
5. Paradigm shift e. Rights of Women

9. Choose one specific idea discussed in the first half of the course and show concretely how it affected some development studied in the second half of the course. (10 points)

Preferred language style   US English

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