After Stonewall

Week 10 Assignment 4 Submission (SheetalFromSOF Only)
August 7, 2017
Preliminary Strategy Audit
August 7, 2017
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After Stonewall

After Stonewall

pleases answer following questions.
1.How does the film circulate?
(* Where and when was it made? * Who made it? * For whom is it intended? * How can you infer the audience? * What is promised in the introduction? * Does the conclusion fulfill the promise?)

2.What is it about, empirically? (What is being studied as the object?)
(* We’ll start with this and how to expand on it * Where is it located? * What is the scale – nation, region, city, institution, person? * What is the time of the study? * Is there a comparison? of what?)

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3.What is the main argument and goal of the film?
(* to verify something? or challenge a theoretical claim? * What is the main argument? * Is the argument explicit or performed or both? * What evidence is provided for the argument? * How robust is the argument? * On what grounds could it be challenged? * What are the key concepts used? * Are concepts challenged or invented? * How are health, illness and disease used? * Are they defined? * What notion of human nature is assumed or discovered? * Universal or particular?)

4.What method was used? How was the data generated?
(* Ethnography, interviews, statistics? * If interviews, what questions were asked? * Does it look at what people do, say, or think? * How was the data analyzed? Infer if not explicit. * What assumptions shaped the inquiry? * How were people grouped or categorized? * What core values are assumed? * Especially values of health and illness * What data would strengthen the text?)

5.Discuss a scene (citing timestamp) that inspired you or frustrated you
What about it made you inspired or frustrated?( * How did it surprise you or make you think differently? * If anything, what would you have done differently as a filmmaker?)

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