Address six unresolved issues in macroeconomics, each of which is central to current political debates.

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Address six unresolved issues in macroeconomics, each of which is central to current political debates.

Purpose of Assignment 

To address six unresolved issues in macroeconomics, each of which is central to current political debates. Students are required to use information and tools that they have accumulated in their study of the text and evaluate both sides of those issues, determine which side they can support for each issue, and defend their positions.


Assignment Steps 

Select two subjects from the following list of topics and write a 1,050-word analysis:

  • Active monetary and fiscal policy
  • Increased government spending to fight recessions
  • Reducing federal government’s discretionary powers
  • Zero-inflation target
  • Balanced government budget
  • Tax incentives for saving

Evaluate both the advocates’ position and the critics’ position.

Determine which position you support and defend your position. 

Format consistent with APA guidelines. 


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