Abraham Lincoln was the best U.S. president

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Abraham Lincoln was the best U.S. president

Abraham Lincoln was the best U.S. president

Let we sweep across of The Mount Rushmore, or think about in the American history who were the most distinguished leaders, then you will see that four men’s face who have a strong claim to be America’s the best president.

“There is Washington, who won the war of independence and handed over control of the army to civilian authority; who chaired the Constitutional Convention, wordlessly, in that sultry Philadelphia summer of 1787; and who gave up the presidency in 1796 and headed back to his farm rather than become a monarch. Next Jefferson, drafter of the Declaration of Independence and purchaser of the Louisiana Territory, which doubled the size of the United States and opened up the frontier. And Teddy Roosevelt, who led the Rough Riders’ charge up San Juan Hill, built the navy, busted monopolies and founded America’s national parks. Yet Washington is an icon, not a man; Jefferson was a devious hypocrite who betrayed his president and friend John Adams, and proclaimed universal equality but never freed his own slaves; and Roosevelt, for all his peacetime genius, never faced the supreme test of leadership in war. No, for me it has to be the last of the four, Abraham Lincoln” (Norman).

Unlike the other president, Lincoln grew up in adversity .Abraham Lincoln was born in February 12th1809,“in a one-room log cabin lost his mother at the age of nine andhad the barest minimum of formal education, failed as a small businessman”(Norman). Lincoln’s hometown in  Sinking Spring Farmin Hardin County, Kentucky. the second child of Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Lincoln and he was the 16th president of the United States, serving fcrom March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865. In his early life, He was very filial and diligence. “Lincoln also agreed with the customary obligation of a son to give his father all earnings from work done outside the home until age 21. In later years, Lincoln occasionally lent his father money.” (Donald). AlthoughAbraham Lincoln’s early life was not rich and leisure,as well as his demanding and depressing lives, however, he also held his original belief, we can all get ahead in our studies or work through hard work. Why he could succeed at the end, because he has the knowledge that comes of his own labors. “While young Lincoln’s formal education consisted approximately of a year’s worth of classes from several itinerant teachers, he was mostly self-educated and was an avid reader and often sought access to any new books in the village. He read and reread the King James BibleAesop‘s Fables, Bunyan‘s Pilgrim’s Progress, Defoe‘s Robinson Crusoe, and Franklin‘sAutobiography” (Donald).

The first reason thatLincoln was the best president in The United States; becauseone of his achievements was Lincoln led the United States to ultimately defeat the Confederacy, won the American Civil War and calms the storm that divided the nation. He is not only the best president but also the best one of mostAmerican citizens.And he also was the excellent military strategist. “For much of the Civil War, Lincoln was forced to serve as both commander in chief and chief of staff. This was because when the Civil War began the USA had no organization of high command suited to the vast size of the war operations. Lincoln supplied a good deal of the strategic thinking for the nation’s armies despite his lack of technical military knowledge; Lincoln made his fair share of mistakes (including an early-on inability to pick the right man to head the armies). Also, some were fooled by Lincoln’s reputation for granting clemency to soldiers and thus felt him too tenderhearted to wage the kind of war necessary to defeat the South. This is not the correct way to analyze Lincoln. He could be plenty tough when it came to plans to defeat the Confederacy” (Norton). The primary cause of secession was slavery, in the 1860 presidential election, Republicans, led by Abraham Lincoln, opposed the expansion of slavery into The United States territories.At the end, the consequence was the Confederacy collapsed, slavery was abolished.

In other way, Abraham Lincoln delivered the blacks form slaver that was issued the Emancipation Proclamationon September 22, 1862, which authorized the Army to protect escaped slaves and encouraged Border States to outlaw slavery. “And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind, and the gracious favor of Almighty God”(Lincoln). Even more farsighted is the new, landmark Emancipation Proclamation, which would make it possible for blackpeople to go to school or get a job. “A cat may look at a king.” This traditional American proverb is good examples of all man are born equal regardless of race or color.“the first step on the part of the nation in its departure from the thralldom of the ages.” Through examination of the original document, related writings of Lincoln as well as little known first person accounts of African Americans during the war, students can return to this “first step” and explore the obstacles and alternatives we faced in making the journey toward “a more perfect Union”(Douglass).When the war ended,Lincoln focuson the passage ofthe Thirteenth Amendment to permanently abolish slavery throughout all of American.

In his book, he talks about thatone of the greatest speeches in American history which was Gettysburg Address. “Abraham Lincoln’s carefully crafted address, secondary to other presentations that day, came to be regarded as one of the greatest speeches in American history. n just over two minutes, Lincoln reiterated the principles of human equality espoused by the Declaration of Independence and proclaimed the Civil War as a struggle for the preservation of the Union sundered by the secession crisis , with “a new birth of freedom “, that would bring true equality to all of its citizens”(Graham). This speech told us All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienableRights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness “Lincoln also redefined the Civil War as a struggle not just for the Union , but also for the principle of human equality.”(The Gettysburg Address).It became the most famous speech of Lincoln’s presidency, and one of the most widely quoted speeches in the world.

The ballot data are very convincing, Let us see about the Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States. “In surveys of scholars ranking Presidents since the 1940s, Lincoln is consistently ranked in the top three, often No.1” (Lindgren).“A 2004 study found that scholars in the fields of history and politics ranked Lincoln number one, while legal scholars placed him second after Washington. Of all the presidential ranking polls conducted since 1948, Lincoln has been rated at the very top in the majority of polls: Schlesinger 1948, Schlesinger 1962, 1982 Murray Blessing Survey, Chicago Tribune 1982 poll, Schlesinger 1996, CSPAN 1996, Ridings-McIver 1996, Time 2008, and CSPAN 2009. Generally, the top three presidents are rated as 1. AbrahamLincoln; 2. George Washington; and 3. Franklin D. Roosevelt, although Lincoln and Washington, and Washington and Roosevelt, occasionally are reversed” (Densen).

All in all, Abraham Lincoln has a lot of great achievement, Presided over the Civil War and led the Union to victory over the Confederacy,issued the Emancipation Proclamation and Signed the 13th Amendment to the Constitution permanently abolishing slavery in the United States. So, he was the best president in the United States.















Work Cited

 Reassessing The Presidency, The Rise of the Executive State and the Decline of Freedom

“The Gettysburg Address” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 2014, Web 23 Sep 2014

Donald, Herbert David.Lincoln: How President Lincoln Became Father to an army and a nation.New York: Simon&Schuster, 1995. Print.

Lindgren, James.Ranking Our Presidents.2010. Web. PDF file. 23 Sep 2014.

Norman, Jesse. “Lincoln was the best”moreintelligentlife. The Economist Newspaper Limited, Nov. 2012. Web. 23 Sep 2014.

Graham, Christopher.  “A analysis of Abraham Lincoln’s poetic Gettysburg Address”

Vedder, Richard and LowellGallaway, “Rating Presidential Performance.”Reassessing the Presidency : The Rise of the Executive State and the Decline of Freedom.Ed. John V.Densen. Auburn, Alabama: Mises Institute, 2001.1-32. Print.

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