1-The approach should be to focus on the biochemical or molecular aspects mainly.

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1-The approach should be to focus on the biochemical or molecular aspects mainly.

Important notes;
1-The approach should be to focus on the biochemical or molecular aspects mainly.
2- Your research MUST be based on at least 5 recent ORGINAL papers for each disease (Addison’s vs Cushing’s disease) within (2013-2014).

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NO Reviews, no websites, books or original article before 2013 i.e. basically not accepted).

Elements to be marked: Reflection on approach (please I need this to be on a separated page 200-300 words), Abstract, Introduction, Discussion, Conclusion, References, Presentation (grammar, clarity, correct referencing).

EndNote Library.

Ensure you clearly understand what each of these terms mean. If you understand what these are, what they should look like, the Assignment becomes relatively easy.

You must also submit an electronic copy of your Endnote Library.

Staple all pages together, number all pages, use 1 inch margins, Times Roman 12 point font with double spacing.

Referencing style: Vancouver.

Elements to be marked:
Section 1. Short Abstract. (150-250 words)-typically this covers numerous of the elements below (Intro, Approach, Findings, Conclusion). 10% of marks.

Section 2. Reflection. Reflection on you approach_ how you went about your task. Keep a journal as you go along and use it to write this section. 10% of marks. 200-300 words. (THIS IS WHAT I NEED ON A SEPARATED PAGE/S).

Section 3. Introduction to the topic (what they are, why is it important, what you focused on and why). 10% of marks. 300-400 words.

Section 4. Main Discussion comprising of the evaluation and comparison. The operative words here are Evaluation and Comparison…concerning the latter this requires to Compare between the two conditions under discussion…similarities and differences.
It would be sufficient to your research on 5 recent ORGINAL papers (2013-2014, NO Reviews, no websites or books.
for each of the two conditions or techniques. As part of this discussion section, summarize your findings in a tabular form. 30% of marks. 600-1200 words.

Section 5. Conclusion. The conclusion needs to be in context of the preceding discussion. Don’t introduce new data or ideas here. 5%. 50-150 words.

Section 6. References. 10% Minimum of 10 original papers ; no webites, books or reviews.

Finally Endnote Library (submit separately- electronic only). 5%

The remaining 20% is for presentation, grammar, clarity, correct referencing.

Ensure you clearly understand what terms such as Abstract, Introduction, Discussion mean. If you understand what these are, what they should look like, the Assignment becomes relatively easy.

Essentially each section above will be marked in a scale of zero marks (not attempted), 30% marks (attempted but very poor), 60% of allocated marks –attempted and satisfactory), and 100% for good, very good and excellent attempts.

So for the introduction this will correspond to 0, 3%,, 6%, and 10%.

Topic :
Compare recent advances in understanding of Addison’s vs Cushing’s disease.

The approach should be to focus on the biochemical or molecular aspects mainly.

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