Write three unrelated policy-based, problem-solving Questions: using the examples given on pages 373-374 as models for effective policy-based, problem-solving questions.

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Write three unrelated policy-based, problem-solving Questions: using the examples given on pages 373-374 as models for effective policy-based, problem-solving questions.

Required Textbook: Stephen Lucas, The Art of Public Speaking, 11th Edition
Read the material in your textbook on the Reflective Thinking, Problem-Solving method. Chapter 18, “Speaking in Small Groups,” pages 373-378. Based on that information:
Write three unrelated policy-based, problem-solving Questions: using the examples given on pages 373-374 as models for effective policy-based, problem-solving questions.
Using a 4th, unrelated question, develop one full example of using Dewey’s method, illustrating each step with a short example of your own. Use a problem unrelated to the three already given above.
Be sure to analyze with both Extent and Causes.
Be sure to establish criteria for the solution with “what achieved/avoided.”
Brainstorm at least three solutions.
Give at least a one sentence reason for the solution chosen.

To reiterate in another way, here is how the assignment will look:
1. First policy-based, problem solving question, designed for discussion toward solutions.
2. Second policy-based, problem-solving question, designed for discussion toward solutions.
3. Third policy-based, problem-solving question, designed for discussion toward solutions.

A fourth policy-based, problem-solving question, designed for discussion toward solutions
Analysis of the problem:
Cause/ or causes
Criteria for solution:
Statement of what constitutes that the problem is solved.
Statement of one or more boundaries – things that must avoided in solving the problem
1. First possible solution
2. Second possible solution
3. Third possible solution
Solution selected: in at least one sentence tell which solution you chose and why you chose this solution over the others.

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