Write an outline/script explaining the biomechanics of a back handspring.

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Write an outline/script explaining the biomechanics of a back handspring.

Write an outline/script explaining the biomechanics of a back handspring. DO NOT SIMPLY DESCRIBE A TECHNIQUE. The primary aim of this project is to allow you to showcase your knowledge of biomechanics within the setting that you feel most comfortable.
1st paragraph describes the purpose of a back handspring and the mechanics used
middle paragraphs describes the mechanics of a back handspring throughout the steps of the skill (1 paragraph per Phase)
2nd paragraph explain phase one- Standing, sit, swing
3rd paragraph explain phase 2 – passing through hand stand position arching back and reaching for the floor
4th paragraph explain phase 3 – push off wrist and snap down
5th paragraph explain phase 4 – landing phase (feet touch floor, head and torso come up)
Last paragraph summarize

INCLUDE: how these mechanics below contribute to the performance of a back handspring within each step
Conservation of momentum
Conservation of energy
Moment of ineria
Newtons law of motion
Potential energy
center of gravity

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