Over the last 7 weeks, you have learned (hopefully!) a lot about Human Growth and Development…we’ve read, studied, and/or talked about the physical, cognitive, and socioemotional growth throughout the lifespan, and specific topics such as: infertility, adoption, the birth process, the postpartum period, toilet training, language development, theories of attachment, child care, early childhood education, moral development, television, peer relations, ADHD, parent-child issues, eating disorders, teen pregnancy, dating/romance/marriage, substance abuse problems, divorced adults, careers/work in adulthood, religion, retirement, the mental health of the elderly, and issues related to death and grieving
Now for your final exam, here’s what I want you to do: reflect on what you have learned in class and write an essay discussing the 5 topics that most intrigued, surprised, and interested you and why. You will need to describe, explain, and/or define each topic and then discuss your reaction and thoughts about them. Each topic should be discussed in a separate paragraph (do not use the html editor — that hasn’t worked well — BUT DO CREATE SEVERAL LINES PLACINGS BETWEEN PARAGRAPHS) and your final paragraph will be a summation of how you feel the class affected you in terms of your own thoughts about the human life cycle and the growth and development we all experience. Your essay will be graded on the quality of the content presented and is worth a total of 50 points