Write about stem cells and cloning and provide critical analysis of (i) the ethical issues for society, (ii) the ethical issues for a Christian healthcare professional.

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Write about stem cells and cloning and provide critical analysis of (i) the ethical issues for society, (ii) the ethical issues for a Christian healthcare professional.

Write about stem cells and cloning and provide critical analysis of (i) the ethical issues for society, (ii) the ethical issues for a Christian healthcare professional, and (iii) whether or not a Christian should participate in such efforts, and how they should participate. Title your thread with the subject of the analysis and your conclusion (e.g., “Cloning, Ethical”). MUST BE 1,000 WORDS WITH 4 SCHOLARLY JOURNALS IN TEXT CITATIONS AND APA FORMAT DUE SUN,SEPT 4,2016 AT 6PM CST. NO PLAGARISM

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