Would it be possible to privatize the money supply in the United States completely? In doing so, what would be the primary obstacle to overcome in implementing such a policy?

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Would it be possible to privatize the money supply in the United States completely? In doing so, what would be the primary obstacle to overcome in implementing such a policy?

Assignment 1- Privatizing the U.S. Money Supply

Would it be possible to privatize the money supply in the United States completely?  In doing so, what would be the primary obstacle to overcome in implementing such a policy?

You need to use assigned questions as section titles and then address them one-by-one.  This assignment and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Assignment 2: The Net Exports Effect

The “net exports effect” is the impact on a country’s total spending caused by an inverse relationship between the price level and the net exports of an economy. Using this principle, discuss how the following economic variables change during an economic expansion:

The balance of payments

The rate of interest

The value of the dollar

In your answer, also discuss the case in the context of both a flexible exchange rate and a fixed exchange rate.

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